Big changes a-coming at the blog.

Hello there folks!

I know I haven’t been around lately to update the blog.  Things have gotten hectic, and I have really been thinking about changing around the format of the blog here.  No, it has not gone away.  But I am looking at changing formats, and posting more original conent, reviews, and features.

I am also on the lookout for writers and contributers to the blog.  The look will be changing and I would like to pepper in some new voices to the Beatle blog.

If any of you have a knack with words and would like to regualry contribute to the Beatle blog, please drop me a line at beatleboymatt [at]  I am currently looking for writers and contributors.

I hope to kickoff some longer features, more in-depth reviews, and an entire regular column dedicated to those bootlegs that we so love to talk about all the time.

I’ll keep you all posted, and sit tight folks new changes are a coming.  In the meantime, if any of you want to write regularly, please drop me an email.


So sorry…

Folks.  So sorry lately for the lack of updates around the blog.  Life has gotten in the way a little bit.  Please look for regular posting to resume shortly.  Work, life, music, etc.  has gotten in the way for the Beatle blog.


Postings will resume in full force this Monday.

More tomorrow.

Updates resume tomorrow.  For now it’s off to Xmas shopping.

Phil Spector’s crazy pre-trial rant about McCartney.

I don’t think I’m the first one to say that Phil Spector has lost his mind.  I mean he’s never truly been stable.  He does have a history of pulling firearms on people, John Lennnon being one of them.  He is a musical genius, but he’s totally lost his marbles.

When you are on trial for murder I guess a lot of thougths go through your head.  One begins to examine their personal legacy and the mark(s) that they’ve made on the world.  I guess Phil is just exorcising his own demons, and looking at his legacy both as a person, and a creative artist.  He certainly knows how to hold a grudge though.  Paul McCartney and Phil Spector are two very strong personalities, giants in the music world.  You would have thought that they would let the dispute and ill-feelings over the production of the song “The Long and Winding Road” be little more than thoughts from a long time ago.

I guess Phil just cannot let the past go.  Maybe that’s all he has left.


Here’s what we’ve read.

Hands trembling and eyes watering like a broken main, bonkers record producer Phil Spector lashes out left, right and centre in a bizarre interview.

He is a man with much to say – and a hell of a lot on his mind.

Spector – a legend in the music industry for creating the so-called “wall of sound” – is awaiting retrial in America for the killing of nightclub hostess Lana Clarkson.

Last year a jury failed to reach a decision and a new one has just been selected in LA.

Spector is on a million dollar-bail and could be banged up for life – but that doesn’t seem to be troubling him too much today.

Instead, he seems more concerned with settling old musical scores. Sir Paul McCartney, for one, is unlikely to be high up on his Christmas card list.

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We interrupt this broadcast.

Regular blog posting to resume on Friday of this week. Things have been very hectic with work amongst other things.  Look for regular updates to resume this Friday.

So sorry for the lack of updates this week.  We will return to the regularly scheduled program this Friday.  For now, enjoy the new McCartney track below.


Regularly scheduled programming…


So sorry for the lack of updates over the course of this weekend.  I have been out of town and camping.  Regular updates to resume tomorrow.


With a little help from my friend…

Well, astute blog readers…

You may notice that the last few posts in the blog were not posted by your fearles blog leader, Matt.  Life has gotten in the way of my Beatle blogging, and I will be away on vacation for the next week, but I will return.

A dear friend of ours, Mr. Terminus J Threnody will be helming the blog for the next week while I am away, you may know him from bootleg collecting circles and his wonderful remix compilations.  Terminus is new to the blogging software, so formatting issues may arise a bit, but for now please pardon our dust, and enjoy his thoughts.  So far, his first two entries are a real treat.

So, let the news and commentary on all-things Beatle coninue for the next week, and please welcome him in your comments, and insight, and enjoy.  See you all in a week.



So sorry…

Sorry to everyone that there has been a lack of updates this weekend.

My wife and I spent a weekend out of town, and internet connection was nowhere to be found.

Regular updates will resume tomorrow…Thanks.

Two-day respite.

Regular posting will return on Tuesday.  Happy Memorial Day to all you U.S. readers out there!

I’ll be at BBQ’s for the next to days. Have a nice holiday.

Expert says The Beatles’ full story still to be told.

There are a million books about the Fab Four.  There are a ton of them out there.  They run the gambit between exquisite, and a shambles.  There is one scholar who time and time again has really set himself apart though.  There are Beatle authors, and then there is Mark Lewisohn.  His work really sits above all the rest.  There are no other Beatle books like his.  They define essential.

Beatles expert Mark Lewisohn gives a talk at the Beatles story exhibition

Mark Lewisohn is raising the bar yet again.  His upcoming tome on the history of The Beatles will stand as the definitive work on the Fab Four.  It’s a three-volume set, and a chronological history of our beloved group.  This title, to me, is the most anticipated Beatle-related release since the Anthology itself.  It will keep all of us fans busy for some time to come.  I, for one, cannot wait.  Maybe it’s the librarian in me, yes folks, I am a librarian by day, but I cannot wait for thsi book.  Maybe I’ll camp out on the night of its release.  

Here’s a question for you then, dear reader’s. 
What’s on your Beatle required reading list? 
Please share your favorite Beatle books in the comments below.

Here’s what we’ve read.

Their impact was felt way beyond the musical world. For that reason alone, there has probably been more written about the Beatles than any other group.

But renowned Beatles expert and professional historian Mark Lewisohn believes the full story of the four guys from Liverpool has still yet to be told.

Last night, he told an audience at the city’s first Beatles literary festival how he has undertaken a mammoth 17-year project to tell the definitive history of the group and of the times in which they lived.

Mr Lewisohn is currently hard at work on the first of what will eventually be a three-volume biography of the Fab Four, the first time any pop or rock group has been subjected to such in-depth scholarly treatment.

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