So sorry…

Folks.  So sorry lately for the lack of updates around the blog.  Life has gotten in the way a little bit.  Please look for regular posting to resume shortly.  Work, life, music, etc.  has gotten in the way for the Beatle blog.


Postings will resume in full force this Monday.

8 Responses

  1. Hello,

    Can’t help but notice the slow down of the blog. Is it coming back? Do you need a hand in it?

  2. It’s really difficult to keep a blog up to date even if your subject is world’s greatest ever pop / rock phenomenon. Why don’t you put some Adsense on there and then maybe the earnings will encourage more updates? Just a thought…

  3. great blog keep it up

  4. ‘m sorry too.

  5. I will always love my love, he was the only one for me.

  6. There’s a story on here and I can’t work it out?

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