Low-numbered White Album sells for $11,200 at auction

I always flip-flop when people ask me which album is my favorite. I love them all, but I love them for many different reasons. I remember my first listen of the White Album. I was 9-years old, and my mom had a mono-casette dub that someone had made for her. I remember loving the album because of all the animal songs. I thought initially, before I knew better, that that’s all that they did was songs about animals.


The last side of the album scared me to death though. Lines about black clouds, and nooses mixed with loud bluesy guitars was startling. Helter Skelter just sounded like something sinister to a 9-year old. Revolution #9 used to give me nightmares, but it was always then animals that brought me back to the album. I thought it was silly. You know, songs about birds, piggies, wild raccoons shooting guns, and mother nature herself even made an appearance. It seemed too surreal.

Years later I still listen to the White Album and think of the times that I thought it was all about animals. I always chuckle. That album has a special place in my memory bank for that reason. I don’t know if I could spend a couple grand on a low, low, low numbered copy, but if I had the expendable income, of course I’d entertain it. It’s so cool to see the Fab Four, and their recorded legacy so highly collectible and sought after. For now, I’ll just listen to my mono Dr. Ebbett’s needledrop and try to avoid the animals flying around my ears in my living room.

Here’s what we’ve read.

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A rare edition Beatles album has sold for more than £5,000 at auction.

The seventh vinyl of the Beatles’ 1968 double album “The Beatles” – often referred to as the White Album – went under the hammer in Midgham, Berkshire.

It fetched £5,600 on Tuesday when it was bought by an American phone bidder from Chicago.

Also in the sale was an original miniature model of the space station used in the James Bond film Moonraker, which fetched £6,400.

“The Beatles” was the ninth official album by the group and has no text except the band’s name embossed on the cover.

The cover featured a unique stamped serial number on its plain white sleeve, which was designed by pop artist Richard Hamilton.

Inside the packaging was a poster of the lyrics to the songs and a set of photographs taken by John Kelley during the autumn of 1968.

John King, the owner of Cameo Fine Art Auctioneers, which hosted the auction, said: “This was a rare edition album because of its low serial number – it’s great that it fetched more than its £3,000 to £5,000 estimate.”

Source: BBC

5 Responses

  1. wow!!
    thats so cool!

  2. I always loved the “White Album” as a kid without having a clue as to the conceptual idea behind the cover. The idea of a startlingly simple design that was individually numbered, as a work of art unto itself was brilliant, especially when you think of it as the next full album after “Pepper” (Magical Mystery Tour was originally issued in England as an EP album.) So while other groups were playing “catch up” attempting to come up with ever wilder cover art, the Beatles, as usual were already way ahead. Stark cover art without, some of my favorite Beatles music within.

    The excitement of opening The Beatles, as it was called for the first time, and finding 4 beautiful color shots of the Beatles as well as a poster-sized photo collage, with all the lyrics on the back (a bit of a sticky wicket when you put the poster up on your wall, but wanted to look up the words!) was almost too much for this Beatles fan to bear.

    Those 4 glossy photos of the Beatles stayed up on my bedroom wall for years, and got me through some tough times indeed. I’ve always thought that if I ever get to meet Paul or Ringo, that’s exactly what I would tell them.

    -Mark Summer

  3. Speaking of animals, the album whose cover scared me the most as a kid was Magical Mystery Tour. My sister had the record and it always kind of creeped me out to look at the freaky (to me then) costumes.

  4. BidMogul has a White Album up for auction with John Lennon’s original artwork on the cover! What’s is it worth?

  5. I have the White Album I purchased on the day of its release in the U.S., Nov. 25, 1968, still in excellent condition with the photos,etc. Serial #A026651. One of my favorite of my many Beatles records. (By the way, I have a Parlaphone Please Please Me Stereo Black & Gold! — the rarest of all) 🙂
    M. Jordan, Malibu, CA

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